The spirit driving the WholeSoft platform is one of trust and partnership with the software vendors. The model implies that WholeSoft Market invests time and resources upfront to help Vendors get their leads with End-customers at no initial cost. WholeSoft’s objective is truly to help vendors penetrate and then grow their revenue in local or foreign territories. WholeSoft Market considers this as a long-term investment and commitment on its part and as a long-term partnership with the vendors. In that spirit, WholeSoft Market counts on the responsibility, honesty, and ethics of its partners to avoid inappropriate behaviors on the platform. Nevertheless, so many scenarios might arise over the course of a relationship. And not all of them can or should be anticipated legally speaking. That is the reason why we are requesting you to read and agree on the terms of this Rules & Policies document, so that the platform remains a trustworthy environment for the benefits of all parties.
Fraudulous representation
Lying on your identity, using a false name, usurping someone else’s identity, playing a false role on the platform, opening two or more accounts, is forbidden.
We recognize that the safety of our users extends to the security of their personal information. Attempts to gather sensitive personal information by deceptive or invasive methods are harmful to the authentic, open, and safe atmosphere that we want to foster. Therefore, we do not allow attempts to gather sensitive user information through the abuse of our platform and products.
Do not:
Attempt to compromise user accounts or gather sensitive information through unauthorized means, defined as:
Gaining access to any account or user data other than your own without explicit permission from the account owner.
Encouraging or deceiving users and entities to download or run files or programs that will compromise a user’s online or data security. Such files and programs will be deemed malicious software or "malware" if they harm or gain unauthorized access to a computer, device, or network.
Acquiring or requesting another user’s login credentials, whether explicitly or through deceptive means such as phishing (e.g. fake surveys designed to capture log-in info or links to fake login pages or impostor websites).
Attempting to obtain the sensitive information of others such as usernames, passwords, or other personal information, through deceptive means or the use of malicious software or websites.
Publicly sharing your own or others’ login information on platform or through a third-party service.
Creating, sharing, or hosting malicious software or malicious browser extensions to compromise accounts or gain access to user data.
Providing online infrastructure, including Web Hosting Services, Domain Name System servers, and ad networks that enables abusive links such that a majority of those links violate the Spam or Cybersecurity sections of the Community Standards.
Inapropriate behavior & Harassment
It is forbidden to harass other people or to entice others to do so. It is forbidden to threaten someone or use inappropriate language on the platform.
Wrong behavior with regards to the spirit of the platform
For the High-Level Connectors:
Direct reach out to an ISV
If you attempt to directly reach out to an ISV you’ve received an introduction request from, or you’ve sent an intro proposal to, outside of the platform, you’ll be expelled from the Platform by the platform Administrator, triggering the loss of your platform credentials. Notwithstanding what is already due to you by WholeSoft Market in relation to already closed deals, no additional or further payment will be made to you.
It is for example forbidden to reject an Intro request from a Vendor, to later contact him outside the platform in order to introduce him to people you know in Accounts.
For the Software Vendors:
Direct Reach out to a High-Level Connector
If you attempt to directly reach out to a High-Level Connector you’ve already interacted with on the Platform (like receiving from him an intro proposal for example), outside of the platform, you’ll be expelled from the Platform by the platform administrator, triggering the loss of your credentials. You’ll be required to immediately pay any pending fee on existing closed deals. Failure to do that will launch legal action.
Omission to declare a deal
If you close a deal, while still being in contract with WholeSoft Market, with an End Customer in the 18-month period following your initial meeting thanks to the platform, and omit to declare it on the Platform, you’ll be expelled of the platform by the platform administrator, triggering the loss of your credentials. You’ll be required to immediately pay any pending fee on existing closed deals, and will be liable to pay fees according to the agreed upon multi-year fee stream on any deal closed by your company with End-Customers you had met prior the breach thanks to the WholeSoft Market platform. Failure to do that will launch legal action.
Direct reach out to a Third-party partner
If you attempt, while still being in contract with WholeSoft Market, to contract with a 3rd party organization with the objective to directly or indirectly reach out to the same End-Customer that you’ve already met less than 18 months ago thanks to the WholeSoft Market platform, you may be expelled of the platform by the platform administrator, triggering the loss of your credentials. You’ll be required to immediately pay any pending fee on existing closed deals, and will be liable to pay fees according to the agreed upon multi-year fee stream on any deal closed by your company with End-Customers you had met prior the breach thanks to the WholeSoft platform. Failure to do that will launch legal action.
Good behavior
Vendor accepts to use WholeSoft customer satisfaction (C-Sat) survey framework with the clients they’ve been able to close via WholeSoft Market, so as to foster value realization through an active and regular channel of communication between Vendor and End-customer. It is one of the key pillars for PCAM (Post-Customer Acquisition Management) and Account expansion.
Assiduity and response time
It is in the interest of all parties to ensure the liquidity of the platform. As WholeSoft Market is a win-win-win platform, benefits, and outcomes for each of the participants depends on the goodwill of all. Good behavior is also expected from all.
Vendor are requested to respond to Intro Proposals by High-Level Connectors within 2 weeks. If, despite reminder emails, Vendor fails to respond, either by accepting or rejecting an intro proposal, his ISV rating will be negatively impacted. Since this rating is made visible to RPs, this could have an impact on the number and quality of upcoming intro proposals by RPs to the Vendor.
High-Level Connectors are requested to respond to direct Intro requests from ISVs within 1 week. If, despite remainder emails, RP fails to respond, either by responding with an intro proposal or by rejecting the intro request, his RP rating can be negatively impacted. Since this rating is made visible to ISVs, this could have an impact on the number of intro requests RP thereafter receives, marginally limiting his potential outcomes.
Quality of each other’s work
Despite obvious envy to do well and to get compensated, it may happen the quality of introductions on the part of High-Level Connectors, or the quality of their presentations and pitch on the part of the Software Vendors, is not to the expected level.
One Party will then have the possibility to anonymously impact the other Party’s rating, as in a reinforcement cycle. Transparency remains the best way to make the platform a win-win for all.
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These rules and policies will be regularly updated, and updates will be communicated to all existing platform members.